Our team is experienced in many different fields.
See where we are with our solar car!
Students, advisors and educators are all welcome to join and help build the first solar car at BTHS.
Our Events/Outreach will get in touch with you and work out a deal.
The Solar Car Challenge was established in 1993 to help motivate students in science and engineering, and to increase alternative energy awareness. The Challenge teaches high school students around the world how to build roadworthy solar cars. The 2021 Solar Car Challenge hosted by Texas Instruments is a closed-track event at the world-famous Texas Motor Speedway. For more information, visit their website.
Smart. Experienced. Confident.
BTHS 2020-2021 Exec Team
Loves his team.
Loves FOSS.
Loves organization.
Loves power
Loves working with racecar designs
Loves working with the aerodynamics of vehicles.
Loves working with data.
Loves playing with friends.